anna florez

Rafael Florez never expected to fall in love with a local woman while on vacation to San Francisco. With a fiancee back home in Spain, he was taken aback by his attraction to Janice Matthews, but didn't expect anything to actually come of it. The pair kept in contact when Rafael returned back home, emailing and calling each other often. Although he didn't exactly keep their friendship a secret he rarely spoke of her to anyone else, least of all his wife. Everything came to a head three years into his marriage when he learned that Janice was engaged. Not wanting her to be with anyone but him, he left his wife and began the process of emigrating to America as Janice's fiance.

Against all odds, Rafael and Janice's relationship flourished and the two had a largely happy marriage. Janice worked as a dentist while Rafael became a real estate agent, their jobs giving them enough financial security to live comfortably in San Francisco. For years, the only missing piece of the puzzle was children. Although they desperately wanted children and were told repeatedly that nothing was wrong, Janice still had difficulty conceiving and eventually they turned to adoption instead. It took some years for the adoption to be finalized, but eventually they were blessed with a son they named Ruben. When Ruben was three years old Janice unexpectedly fell pregnant. Both Rafael and Janice were overjoyed to welcome their daughter Ane into the world, their family finally complete

Growing up, Ane always had a flair for the dramatic. She was the type of child to put on one-woman shows full of bizarre characters that her long-suffering family were forced to sit through over and over. Fascinated with the children she saw on TV in commercials and shows she begged her parents for the opportunity to do the same, only to repeatedly be told no. While eventually accepting that childhood stardom wasn't in her future, Ane never lost her love of performing. By the time she was in high school she was an unashamed theater geek, but it wasn't until her senior year that acting seemed like a potential career choice. A typical Hollywood story, Ane was performing in a school play when she was spotted by an agent who wanted to sign her. Although Ane's parents were dubious they wanted to support their daughter in any way possible, allowing her to attend auditions in LA as long as she agreed to finish her senior year by correspondence. As it happened, she was successful in her first-ever audition, winning a role in the TV movie Man of Your Dreams.

After graduating from high school Ane moved to LA with the lofty ambition of becoming an actress. Visions of Academy Awards and critical aclaim were soon overshadowed by the very harsh realities of the career path she'd set out to follow. Although she auditioned for everything she possibly could, she was rejected over and over, occasionally obtaining small roles in films here and there, but even those were few and far between. All that changed when she beat out hundreds of other girls for the role of Ree in Winter's Bone. Suddenly, Ane (now known professionally as Anna) was an Academy Award nominee and people were beginning to take notice of her.

Even with an Academy Award nomination under her belt it wasn't all smooth sailing, but there was no doubt that Anna was beginning to be offered bigger and better roles. The majority weren't quite the serious dramatic parts she longed to do - but after years of struggling to get her foot in the door, she wasn't about to complain. And then came the opportunity of a lifetime as Anna found herself competing for the role of Katniss in The Hunger Games. It was exactly the part she'd been waiting for and she fought as hard as she could, almost unable to believe it when she was finally successful. Despite loving both the books and the character she was playing, she was not prepared for the whirlwind of attention that followed and struggled at first to adjust to a life that was suddenly far more in the public eye. Rather than capitalizing on her success and using it to propel her career forward, Anna all but stopped auditioning for other projects, feeling increasing levels of pressure that she didn't know how to handle.

Despite avoiding falling into the trap of a very public breakdown Anna nevertheless still battles privately with the all the changes in her life. Although on the surface she finally has everything she wants, she's still very much learning how to balance both that and her sanity, hoping that eventually she'll figure out how to strike a balance between the two.

professional name: anna florez birth name: ane florez birth date & age: 26 april, 1991 & 23 place of birth: san francisco, ca current residence: los angeles relationship status: maybe/maybe not occupation: actress family: rafael florez (father), janice florez (mother) ruben (older brother)
  • hasn't capitalized on the success of the hunger games films as much as she could have because she's too overwhelmed by all the attention

  • would love to be a "serious" actress and is only now realizing she has more opportunity to pick and choose the roles she wants

  • loves cats, but is allergic to them

  • 2016 Knights of the Roundtable: King Arthur ... Guinevere 2015 La La Land ... Emma Watson's role 2015 The Hunger Games - Mockingjay Pt 2 ... Katniss Everdeen 2014 Maps to the Stars ... Agatha Weiss 2014 The Hunger Games - Mockingjay Pt 1 ... Katniss Everdeen 2013 The Spectacular Now ... Aimee Finecky 2013 The Hunger Games - Catching Fire ... Katniss Everdeen 2012 The Hunger Games ... Katniss Everdeen 2012 The Perks of Being a Wallflower ... Sam 2012 Snow White and the Huntsman ... Snow White 2011 Scream 4 ... Sherrie 2011 The Descendants ... Alexandra King 2010 Winter's Bone ... Ree 2010 Monster Heroes (credited as Ane Florez) ... Delilah 2009 Dear Lemon Lima (credited as Ane Florez) ... Samantha Combs 2009 31 North 62 East (credited as Ane Florez) ... Rachel 2008 Man of your Dreams (TV movie) (credited as Ane Florez) ... Maia
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